Weirdbook 30
- WEIRDBOOK No.30 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on 11 x 14 coquille board. The woman on this cover appears in three of my drawings;
The first appearance is in the book, "Carnifex Mardi Gras,"
The second on the cover of "Weirdbook No.21,"
The third on the cover you see here, "Weirdbook No.30".
(However, in each case I have made some changes to the
Woman so they are not exact copies)
Most people are probably unaware of how many times an illustrator (artist) can receive payment for drawing a story illustration, or painting a magazine or book cover . . .
A drawing, or painting, can bring four income payments to an artist; 1. by selling First Printing Rights to a publisher - 2. Later, by selling Re-print Rights to a publisher - 3. by selling the original artwork - 4. by selling copies of the original artwork.
Obviously, the artwork can be reprinted often, and many copies of the original artwork can be sold, so the potential sales an artist can receive from a single piece of artwork is unlimited.
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